Each of these documents contributed to the enhancement of cultural competence.
- Position paper provided the initial framework for cultural competencies in counseling: Sue et al. (1982)
- “A Call to the Profession” for the need and framework for cultural competencies in counseling: Sue, Arredondo, and McDavis (1992)
- Elaboration and Operationalization of the Competencies by providing specific examples, examples of measurable demonstrations, and strategies for enhancing competence: Arredondo et al. (1996)
- Expansion of the competencies to include personal, professional, and institutional levels of cultural competence as well as recommendations to include cognitive, affective and behavioral modes of learning in competency development: Toporek and Reza (2001)
- Clients’ perspectives highlighted in a qualitative examination of the relevance of cultural competence: Pope-Davis et al. (2001)
- Multicultural guidelines for psychologists developed and adopted by American Psychological Association: APA (2003)