Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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Culturally Relevant Interventions

This section of the Multicultural Counseling Competencies addresses “Culturally Appropriate Interventions” or the usefulness of counseling interventions that take into account a client’s cultural background. The assumption is that not all interventions are appropriate for all people and that culture plays a role in shaping appropriateness. In addition, systemic interventions that address oppression and may, or may not, directly involve the client are considered to be important.

As with each of the competency areas, the counselor is encouraged to examine her or his attitudes and beliefs, knowledge, and skills. Examples of each area are included below:

Attitudes and Beliefs:
Respect clients’ religious beliefs, indigenous and spiritual healers, informal help-giving networks, value of language and bilingualism.

Knowledge of:
Implicit cultural values of counseling theory and practice, cultural variations in family structure and mores, institutional barriers to service, cultural relevance and bias in assessment, influence of discrimination on clients.

A range of culturally appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication skills, repetoire of culturally appropriate counseling interventions, attunement to fit of approach with client, adaptabilty to language needs, consultation with alternative healers as appropriate, culturally appropriate assessment skills, address systemic bias and discrimination, provide culturally relevant informed consent information.



Be sure to read the full text of the Multicultural Counseling Competencies before developing your cultural competence plan.

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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)