Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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Developing a Professional Plan

Multicultural Counseling Competence

(Arredondo, et al., 1996; Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis, 1992)
  • awareness of the counselor’s own worldview;
  • understanding the worldview of their client; and,
  • skill at providing culturally relevant interventions.
Advocacy Competencies are a tool for social justice competence:
Social Justice Advocacy Competence is the ability, understanding and knowledge to facilitate the removal of external and institutional barriers to clients’ well-being. Advocacy-oriented counselors recognize the impact of social, political, economic and cultural factors on human development (ACA Advocacy Competencies, 2002).

To develop your multicultural counseling and social justice competence professional development plan, this webtool will guide you through the following steps:

  1. Complete the Background Questionnaire and Assessment.
  2. Gain a basic foundation of the competencies
  3. Develop a plan for your professional development using the results of the assessment
  4. Implement your Plan
  5. Reassess competencies and redesign your Plan.
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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)