Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
Multicultural Counseling and Soicial Justice Competencies Malcom X MuralPicture of Tibetan Woman
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Photo of SFU Multicultural MuralPhoto of Indigenous WomanClose-Up Photo of SFU Multicultural Mural
Your Plan

Based on the results of the Assessment determine which area of Competence you should address first then identify specific activities using the links below.

Date of Assessment:
Choose Competence Area Priority 1:

Identify 1-3 activities for your competence plan. You can find the activities using the following links.

Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Activity 3:

As you complete these activities, be sure to keep a record of your experiences using the Progress Notes form.

Please print this form for your records, it will not be saved.

As you progress, come back and develop a new plan at any time. Once you have developed your plan, you may move on to Implementation.


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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)