This website is intended to provide tools and resources for developing cultural and social justice competence in counseling and mental health. This website is copyrighted and is provided as a fair-use, free service for educational non-profit purposes only.
Want to use this in training or consulting for commercial purposes? You may contact us for permission. A small fee if any portion of this website, or the materials contained within, will be used for commercial purposes (e.g., for profit training or consulting).
Informed Consent
The process of increasing your multicultural competence will likely require you to address issues that may create some discomfort. Many of the activities ask you to examine your beliefs, your experiences, your family history, and your role as an oppressor as well as your role as a person who has experienced oppression. Consider the following recommendations:
The extent to which you delve into such areas is your choice.
It is useful to have a cohort of allies and mentors with whom you feel comfortable or, at the very least, a therapist who has an adequate level of cultural competence.
As you proceed using this tool, you must be aware of your feelings and reactions and take responsibility for your own self care.
This webtool is not intended to provide a therapeutic service and holds the user responsible for the choices made in the use of this tool. Please read the legal disclaimer for further information.
Please indicate whether you agree to abide by the conditions of use outlined above by clicking on the following:
I have read, understand, and agree to the User Agreement and Informed Consent.