Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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These websites provide valuable resources. As with any internet resource, it is important to read critically, noting the source, documentation, recency, and any sponsorship. we have attempted to screen all links listed here, however, the nature of the internet allows for more change than the printed text. If you find that one of the web sites linked here is no longer active, contains any inappropriate, insensitive, or offensive material, please inform me of this.

The website contained on this page are organized as follows:


General websites regarding the study of social justice, culture and race or culture specific information:

Multicultural Organizations
The Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture at Boston College. This is a webpage that provides links to Social Justice resources and resources regarding the study of the social construction of race on the internet. This organization is also very important as an example of social justice in action. Check out their website and conference information in general.
MAVIN. “...the MAVIN Foundation [is] the nation's leading organization that celebrates and advocates for mixed race people and families to create a cohesive, multicultural society. As the U.S. experiences a mixed race baby boom, our projects provide support and insight for the changing face of our society.” (from the website)
Culture Specific Organizations and Resources
Center for the Study of White American Culture: A multiracial organization. “In 1995 a white American man and an African American woman founded the Center for the Study of White American Culture, Inc. (the Center), .... The Center examines white American culture in the context of the greater American culture. Explicitly a multiracial organization, the Center predicates its work on the founding belief that a complete examination of white American culture must include the perspectives of both insiders and outsiders to that culture. ...The Center was created to address the lack of information and discussion of the role of white people and white culture in American society. In some venues this topic was given only marginal consideration. In others, discussion of whiteness seemed to be taboo and any attempts to broach the subject were met with hostility and denial.” (from the website)
Native Web. “NativeWeb is an international, nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to using telecommunications including computer technology and the Internet to disseminate information from and about indigenous nations, peoples, and organizations around the world; to foster communication between native and non-native peoples; to conduct research involving indigenous peoples' usage of technology and the Internet; and to provide resources, mentoring, and services to facilitate indigenous peoples' use of this technology.” (from the website)
American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee. “The American Arab Anti-discrimination Committee (ADC) is a civil rights organization committed to defending the rights of people of Arab descent and promoting their rich cultural heritage” (from its website)
Multicultural Resources
Understanding Prejudice. This website provide opportunities to assess your “hidden bias” in the areas of race or gender. In addition, there are other resources and interesting exercises all designed to raise your awareness of prejudice.
Multicultural Pavilion. Provides “resources for educators, students, and activists to explore and discuss multicultural education; facilitate opportunities for educators to work toward self-awareness and development; and provide forums for educators to interact and collaborate toward a critical, transformative approach to multicultural education.” (Mission statement from the website)
Race and Pedagogy. “Presents diverse scholarship regarding race and pedagogy. The site is an academic resource intended to provide teachers, students, researchers and the interested public with on-site research summaries and citations as well as bibliographies of research and teaching materials. This project has grown out of continuing discussions regarding anti-racist teaching strategies, discussions that have evolved in a wide range of disciplines and educational settings. The site attempts to convey the range of these engagements by highlighting representative examples.” (mission statement from the website).
The Affirmative Action and Diversity Project: A Web Page for Research. “Presents diverse opinions regarding Affirmative Action topics; rather than taking a singular pro or con position, it is designed to help lend many different voices to the debates surrounding the issues of affirmative action. This site is an academic resource and it provides scholars, students, and the interested public with on-site articles and theoretical analyses, policy documents, current legislative updates, and an annotated bibliography of research and teaching materials.” (from the website).
Diversity Web: An Interactive Resource Hub for Higher Education. “DiversityWeb is a project of AAC&U's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Global Initiatives (ODEGI). Central to the office's mission is the belief that diversity and global knowledge are essential elements of any effort to foster civic engagement among today's college students. To support those goals, the office helps colleges and universities establish diversity as a comprehensive institutional commitment and educational priority. (from the website)
Diversity Database (University of Maryland). “This database contains campus, local, national, and international academic material relating to the following areas of diversity as defined by the Office of Human Relations Programs at the University of Maryland: age, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, religion & sexual orientation.” (from the website).
Advocacy and Social Justice
Southern Poverty Law Center. “Throughout its history, the Center has worked to make the nation's Constitutional ideals a reality. The Center's legal department fights all forms of discrimination and works to protect society's most vulnerable members, handling innovative cases that few lawyers are willing to take. Over three decades, it has achieved significant legal victories, including landmark Supreme Court decisions and crushing jury verdicts against hate groups.” (from the website) This website provides information and resources for confronting prejudice and racism on an individual and systemic level.
EdChange. “Dedicated to diversity, equity, and justice in schools and society. We act to shape schools and communities in which all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, class, (dis)ability, language, or religion, have equitable opportunities to achieve to their fullest.” taken from the website.
Teaching for Change: Building Social Justice Starting in the Classroom. Teaching for Change provides teachers and parents with the tools to transform schools into socially equitable centers of learning where students become architects of a better future. Teaching for Change is a not-for-profit organization based in Washington, DC.
Applied Research Center. “The Applied Research Center is a public policy, educational and research institute whose work emphasizes issues of race and social change.” Resources available include publication of “Colorlines” as well as other publications on welfare, immigration, civil rights, and education. (from the website).

Psychology and counseling websites, especially those related to cultural competence and social justice or advocacy

General Counseling and Psychology
American Psychological Association (APA)
Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17 of APA)
American Counseling Association (ACA)

The Counseling Center Village. This website provides resources for counselors and psychologists practicing in college and university counseling centers. Many of the resources are also relevant to counselors and psychologists who provide a wide range of training.

Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling and Psychology Focused Organizations
Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ). CSJ is a “community of counselors, counselor educators, graduate students, and school and community leaders who seek equity and an end to oppression and injustice affecting clients, students, counselors, families, communities, schools, workplaces, governments, and other social and institutional systems.”
Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD). A division of the ACA whose mission is to “provide global leadership, research, training and development of multicultural counseling professionals with a focus on racial and ethnic issues.”
Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (APA Division 45 of the American Psychological Association)
Association of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues in Counseling A division of the American Counseling Association
Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues (APA Division 44 of the American Psychological Association)
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (APA Division 9 of the American Psychological Association)
Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence Peace Psychology (APA Division 48 of the American Psychological Association)
International Vanguard of Counsellors (IVC). “A web based community supported and administrated by NBCC International, an affiliate of the National Board of Certified Counselors. Designed to provide a common space for those interested in the multiple iterations of counsellor training and practice found around the world. Registration is free.”
National Institute for Multicultural Competence (NIMC). A non-profit, independent professional organization that is designed to foster positive chances in our society by promoting the principles and spirit of multiculturalism, feminism, and social justice at the individual, group, organizational, and institutional levels; to stimulate transformative changes in the mental health and human service professions by promoting the principles and spirit of multiculturalism, feminism, and social justice in these fields; to assist mental health professionals and other human service providers in acquiring the types of multicultural competencies they need to work respectfully, effectively, and ethically among persons from diverse groups and backgrounds.
Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsySR). PsySR uses psychological knowledge and skills to promote peace with social justice at the community, national and international levels.

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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)