Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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Assessment Part 3: Client's Worldview

Part 3: Once you have completed this page - please submit your responses. You must be logged in with your User Id and password in order to save and submit your work.

After responding to each question, use a scale of 1-10 to indicate the extent to which you have considered this question before and rate the quality of your response (e.g., depth of insight, complexity, clarity). (1 = low; 10 = high)

Date of Assessment:
1. Describe common spiritual beliefs and institutions important to the population(s) with whom you work. Include discussion about the relevance of these to mental health, wellness, work, and family.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
2. Identify religious and spiritual leaders who are important to members of the population(s) and describe how you, as a professional, might collaborate with these leaders.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
3. Describe help seeking behavior and informal help giving networks for the population(s) and the ways in which you might work with these (e.g., family, religious organizations, etc.). What do you know about other resources in your community that may be more culturally appropriate for certain types of issues?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
4. What is appropriate to do if you recognize that a client is being discriminated against based on some dimension of their identity?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
5. Describe how bilingualism (client or counselor) may influence the process of counseling. What augmentations might enhance this?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
6. In what ways do you adapt your knowledge of counseling and psychology theory given the cultural perspectives and values imbedded in those theories and approaches?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
7. What are some of the institutional barriers preventing clients from using mental health, career and educational resources? What steps have you taken to address these in the past?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
8. Describe cultural issues posed by assessment process, instruments, and interpretation.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
9. In what circumstances have you modified your counseling approach due to cultural issues? Why and how?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
10. What have you done in the past 6 months to increase your knowledge of culturally relevant interventions or level of skill?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
Total scores for Part 3 (add up the ratings):
The extent to which you have considered these questions
The quality of your responses
Part 3 Total
Then proceed to Part 4 of the Assessment
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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)