Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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Assessment Part 4: Social Justice Advocacy

Part 4: Once you have completed this page - please submit your responses. You must be logged in with your User Id and password in order to save and submit your work.

After responding to each question, use a scale of 1-10 to indicate the extent to which you have considered this question before and rate the quality of your response (e.g., depth of insight, complexity, clarity). (1 = low; 10 = high)

Date of Assessment:
1. Choose one arena in which clients face systemic barriers, then identify appropriate mechanisms and avenuues for addressing these barriers as the counselor or psychologist.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
2. Describe how you might help a client identify external barriers or forces influencing his or her development or well-being?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
3. Describe the impact of oppression and other systemic barriers on healthy development.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
4. Describe protective environmental factors that contribute to a client’s well-being.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
5. Describe the different roles that might be appropriate for a counselor working with a client with limited English facing systemic barriers.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
6. Describe the differences between empowerment, advocacy, and social action.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
7. Describe a time when you advocated for a client within the context of your work or school setting.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
8. Identify an issue that you have observed among your clients that would be appropriate for you to take on as a social justice issue.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
9. Identify the ethical issues that might need to be considered when taking an advocacy role for a client.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
10. Discuss research methods that foster community empowerment.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
Describe protective environmental factors that contribute to a client’s well-being.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
Total scores (add up the ratings):
The extent to which you have considered these questions
The quality of your responses
Congratulations! You have completed the Extended Assessment. Review the results of your assessments and use them to complete Your Plan. This plan will guide you in pursuing the activities and resources provided by this web tool.
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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)