Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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4: Implementation

Part 4: Implementation Using Multicultural Counseling Competence Journal

The implementation portion of the web site provides you with templates and suggests activities, exercises, reading, and other resources that may help you to increase your level of cultural competence in the areas identified by your pre-assessment. The intent is that this process is self-directed. Therefore, the recommendations are only meant to provide you with ideas. It is up to you to design your plan and carry it out. Begin by using the Assessment Summary created in the Pre assessment Phase. Then use the tools and resources provided in this section:

You can use these tools throughout your process. If you are logged in, this information will be accessible to you. However, we also recommend that you print out the completed worksheets so you can keep it in a notebook or file.

After the initiation or completion of each activity, update your professional development plan.


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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)