Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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Strategies Social Justice

Strategies for Social Action

(adapted from Chope & Toporek, 2007)

The following exercise is designed to help you systematically identify a problem, set a goal, illuminate barriers, and strategize to overcome the barriers. First, consider a problem or social injustice that you have observed in your work.

1. What is the Problem: Multilevel analysis and identification of recipient of injustice

a. What does the problem look like at each level of the system?
b. Who is the recipient of injustice?

i. Is this a client problem?
ii. Is this a problem you have experienced?

c. To what extent does this involve other people and imply collaboration?

2. Goal: Choose a level of the problem and identify a specific goal
3. What Barriers might you perceive in reaching this goal?
4. Strategies for overcoming the barriers and establishing concrete goals


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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)