Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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Social Justice Advocacy Exercise: Pivotal Points

(Chope & Toporek, 2006)

Your task is to think about significant life events that may have influenced the way you see social justice and notice emotional reactions that consider the following questions:

  1. Incident. When did you first observe or become aware of an example of social injustice? Describe the situation in detail. Where were you? How old were you? Who was involved? What happened? Who was the receiver of the injustice? Who was the perpetrator?
  2. Your reaction. What did you do? How did you know it was unjust? How did you feel and what did you think?
  3. Lasting consequences. How did this experience influence who you are today? Did it influence your choice of work or how you see your work?

Use the Progress Notes Form to record your thoughts and feelings. Set a time to talk with your mentor or ally about your reactions


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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)