Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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Learning Modules

Modules represent different sections of the Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists from the American Psychological Association (APA, 2002).

It is recommended that you read the following sections of the Guidelines prior to completing the specified module.

1) Preface

2) Scope of Guidelines

3) Racial/ethnic Diversity in the United States and Psychology

4) Definitions

5) Historical and Sociopolitical Developments for the Guidelines

6) Introduction to the Guidelines: Assumptions and Principles

You may access the above readings on the APA Website by clicking here

Once you have read the background documents, you may proceed to the Learning Module recommended by your assessment responses. Learning Modules are sections of the Guidelines, listed in order of priority based on the responses you provided in your assessment. This score takes into account your ratings for level of knowledge and urgency or relevance to your current role.

Module Priorities

First priority:

Second priority:

Third priority:

Fourth priority:

Fifth priority:

Sixth priority:

To begin, click on the desired module noted above. You may complete more than one module for CEU credit, just be sure that you are logged in and that you complete the appropriate Post Assessments. Howevrer, you will not earn more than one CEU for any individual module (in otherwords, you may not complete a modeule fore than once to earn additional credit).


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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)