Multicultural Counseling and Social Justice Competencies
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Assessment Part 1: Counselor Awareness

Part 1: Once you have completed this page - please submit your responses. You must be logged in with your User Id and password in order to save and submit your work.

After responding to each question, use a scale of 1-10 to indicate the extent to which you have considered this question before and rate the quality of your response (e.g., depth of insight, complexity, clarity). (1 = low; 10 = high)

Date of Assessment:
1.What are the most significant dimensions of your identity and why? Gender, social class, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability or ability, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
2. Describe your family’s cultural history and how these influence your daily life and how they affect your beliefs and attitudes about health, family, education, and success.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
3. How has your membership in these cultures (voluntarily or involuntarily) influenced your education, occupations,family, geography, health care, housing or other?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
4. What was your most difficult experience regarding some aspect of your cultural identity? Why was it difficult? How did that experience influence the way you approach your world and your work?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
5. Describe 5 personal traits that you can trace to some aspect of your cultural heritage or cultural experience and contrast that with traits of others. How do these differences influence your judgment of those who do not hold the same traits?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
6. Discuss two ways in which you have been the recipient of privilege (race, class, sexual orientation, gender, religion, etc.)?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
7. Describe your development (past and current) with respect to a specific racial identity model (e.g., Helms, Cross, etc.).
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
8. Describe your communication style, its cultural components and how this style influences counseling.
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
9. Who are your professional consultation sources? How are they similar or different from yourself?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
10. What have you done in the past 6 months specifically to increase your understanding of your own cultural background and how it influences your worldview and your work?
Considered the question before?
Quality of your response?
Total scores for Part 1 (add up the ratings):
The extent to which you have considered these questions
The quality of your responses
Part 1 Total
Then proceed to Part 2 of the Assessment
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©Rebecca L. Toporek (2008)